When I first studied organic chemistry, I hated it: so much memorization, so many pieces that seemed to be piled on top of one another with no connection between them.

Over the years, I began to see things differently: I saw amazing three-dimensional shapes where form and function were intimately bound; an almost inexhaustible catalog of structures and modifications to structures that could match any requirement; an ingenious logic to synthetic strategy, sequences of action that could produce either one molecule or another, similar but profoundly different molecule. I saw simplicity and complexity melded one to another.

Organic chemistry, especially at the introductory level, is still a discipline of many facts that need to be memorized: structures, classifications, numeric values, sequences, ranges, nomenclature rules. This site aims at helping students build their familiarity with basic facts needed to achieve success in a first-year course. There's nothing magic about it: it simply provides a practice field for improving recognition skills and for simple exercises in applying the kinds of logic needed to navigate successfully the many topics introduced in a first year course.

I hope it helps. Good luck!


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